After conducting over 1000 successful treks and expeditions, we have built a loyal following of satisfied clients. The team of Nepal Trekking Experts (NTE) always prioritizes the satisfaction of our clients, striving to deliver exceptional service and successful treks. To see the quality of our work and the experiences of our clients, you can read the reviews they have left. These testimonials are available on Google and TripAdvisor, where you can find detailed feedback on our service, expertise, and dedication. Take some time to explore these reviews and get a sense of the high standards and memorable experiences we provide.

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    Amazing Adventure

    We couldn't have been happier with our experience trekking the Manaslu circuit with our amazing guide Dalgit. The company was very professional and able to quickly adapt to extenuating circumstances such as the spontaneous national holiday on the day they needed to get our hiking permits. Dalgit is the best guide we've used anywhere in the world - kind, thoughtful, and patient, while strong, adventurous, and willing to go the extra mile. He is extremely knowledgeable about the area around Manaslu that he grew up in and generous in sharing his insights on Nepalese culture and history. Thank you for sharing this adventure of a lifetime with us!

    Siddhartha RathodUnited StatesJul 07, 2017
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    A Special Trip

    I had traveled to Nepal as a young backpacker 25 years ago and always wanted to return. Fast forward to to 2016 and I finally made it back with my 22 year old son Josh. Raj was recommended to me be a number of happy customers. I worked with Raj in the weeks prior to travel, and he made all the preparations with ease. My son and I completed the manaslu circuit , and we would like to highly recommend our guide Rabin Neupane. Raj organised everything for our trip and provided Rabin as our Guide. Rabin the younger brother to Raj, has been guiding in the region for many years and his english and knowledge was excellent. Over the 2 weeks Rabin ensured we were always safe all our needs were looked after. He become a great friend to my son and I and the nightly card games a highlight!! Manaslu basecamp was a extra bonus on a perfect day. A big thank you to Rabin our guide, Raju our porter and Raj for everything. We will be back soon.

    Richard O'ConnellAustraliaJun 27, 2017
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    Life changing people and experiences!

    I went trekking with 1 friend in October 2016. I don't Think we were sure of what exactly we had signed up for, but after finishing The trek, we had No doubt That The trek was The most amazing, hard, challenging, beautiul and life-changing few weeks, we have and most likely Ever will experience. The owner of The company, Raj, picked us up from The Airport, made sure we had a hotel and showed us the best places to eat, and invited us over for tea/to chat at his Office every single day. We Met our guide Bikram The first or second day in Kathmandu, and he was a bit shy at first, but as we talked more and more, he opened up, and he is one of The most joking/happy people I have ever Met. He helped us get The last few items before our trek, and helped us pack our stuff properly. During The trek he told us Many amazing stories about himself, hos family and also from his past treks. He was 100% professional when he had to be, had amazing knowledge of the trek itself, and had hundreds of tips for us during our trek and things to be careful of. He would almost always stay behind us, to make sure we would not get lost, and was there to encourage us and give us a small push, when we needed it the most. Raj made sure to help us throughout our entire month stay in nepal. So after trekking Manaslu for two weeks, he helped us from our trip to Chitwan national park, transportation throughout nepal, our bungee-jump, invited us home to meet his family, and literally any problem/thought we had, he would help us... and expect nothing back. Trekking was amazing, but The people behind The Company are twice as amazing. They made sure to do everything, for us to have a Good stay in nepal. Much love to you and your family Raj and Bikram! I miss you and hope we Can meet again in The future. Oscar

    Oscar Skou RolighedDenmarkJun 18, 2017
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    Amazing Langtang Valley trek Experience

    Being a 23 year old woman, I was nervous about which company to book my trek with when I was in Nepal. I ended up doing two treks with Raj because he was so great. The first one was in the month of October with one other girl friend. We did 8 days in the Annapurna Circuit. It was absolutely beautiful and Raj did his best to keep us out of the hikers traffic flow during the busy month. In the month of April I recommended my group of 7 to hire Raj and Rabin to take us on a 6 day trek to Langtang. Raj's experience helped lead us to the to the summit of Cherko Ri, 4984m, when other guides were turning their clients back. This was my favorite of the two treks and I would highly recommend it! Raj and Rabin are genuinely interested in their clients lives and cultures and eager to share their culture. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to become friends with such humble and kind spirited individuals. Raj will not just treat you as a client but as a friend. There is no challenge Raj is not willing to take on, and safety of his clients is very important. My final suggestion is to hire sherpas to carry your backpacks. I carried all my own things on both treks, and it was a great experience but extra exhausting. The extra cost will be worth it!

    Sydney Louise DosterUnited StatesJun 16, 2017
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    Вам не нужно искать другие агенства! :) >>You do not need to look for other agents! :)

    >> for english look below please Поскольку я уже пользовалась услугами менеджера Раджеша Ньюпане и этот опыт был положительным, я обратилась именно в агенство " Nepal Trekking Experts", чтобы получить помощь в организации для меня треккинга, Сделав свой выбор я не ошиблась! Раджеш великолепно справился с работой. Он разработал нужный для меня маршрут (Цум долина - Ганеш химал - Манаслу), учтя все мои пожелания, подготовил необходимые документы и предоставил квалифицированных гида и портера. Меня удивляет способность Раджеша правильно подбирать персонал! Его гиды и портеры в походах всегда надежны, заботливы, грамотны и без вредных привычек. Опытный персонал "Nepal Trekking Experts", адекватные цены на его услуги, надежность, что еще надо! - нет необходимости искать других агентов. Я и в будущем буду пользоваться их услугами! В этом треке меня сопровождал гид Раджу Дахал. Несмотря на молодость, Раджу работал профессионально, в трудных ситуациях действовал надежно, обеспечивая мою безопасность. Я несколько лет хожу в походы в Гималаи и, если это позволяют условия трека, не пользуюсь услугами гида,. Но с Раджу Дахал можно идти в любой трек, он идеальный попутчик!

    I applied to the agency "Nepal Trekking Experts" in order to get help in organizing the trekking for me, because I already had a positive experience in cooperation with manager Rajesh Newpane. And again I was not mistaken in making my choice! Rajesh did a great job. He developed the necessary route for me (Tsum Valley - Ganesh Himal - Manaslu), taking into account all my wishes, prepared the necessary documents and provided qualified guide and a porter. I was amazed at Rajesh's ability to choose the right persons! His guides and porters in treks are always reliable, caring, competent and without bad habits. Experienced staff from "Nepal Trekking Experts", adequate prices for its services, reliability, what else is needed! - there is no need to look for other agents. I will use their services in the future! In this trek I was accompanied by guide Raju Dahal. Despite his youth, Raju worked professionally, in difficult situations acted reliably, providing my safety. I have been going on trips to the Himalayas for several years and, if the conditions of the trеk permit, I do not use the services of a guide. But with Raju Dahal you can go to any trеk, he is a perfect companion!

    ElenaRussiaMay 18, 2017
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    “Excellent organization of the Annapurna Circuit Trek”

    We were in Nepal to do the Annapurna Circuit Trek. They arranged the following: 1. Airport pick-up & drop 2. Stay at Kathmandu & Pokhara (3 nights) 3. Guide-cum-Porter (Ganesh) for the trek 4. Hiring of required equipment like sleeping bags 5. Stay & food at Tea Houses during the trek (12 nights) The arrangements were done at appropriate places within the constraints. Ganesh is an honest & sincere person, who showed a lot of flexibility and took care of our safety & comfort. He knew the route very well and told us a number of interesting details. His communication is good in Hindi, needs to improve in English. Overall it was an experience we will cherish. We look forward to our next trek in Nepal with the same team.

    Milind ChalisgaonkarIndiaMay 06, 2017
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    Can't imagine a better service!

    In short : I can’t imagine a trekking company giving a better service ! If you want to trek in Nepal, contact them and you’re 100% sure satisfaction ! My wife, two kids and I just completed the Manaslu and Tsum valley trek with « Nepal Trekking Experts » and we had a wonderful time. I first contacted Rabin and Rajesh Neupane many months ago to know the feasability of this trek for a family like us. Since the beginning of emails exchange, they were trustable and honest. While offering us there services, they also shared with us some concerns about the kids on such a big trek. We thought about it and decided to move forward. They supported us through all the project with a service that went beyond our expectations. They provided us a totally adaptable itinerary. As we were trekking with kids, we wanted to be able to decide every night where we want to go next day therefore adapting the pace with the kid's energy. So Rajesh and Rabin, provided us a guide with exact knowledge of the trail and an itinerary with a certain amount of days that could be adapt, fitting exactly our needs. When Rajesh came to pick us up at the airport, we immediately knew we were in good hands. The next day we discussed details at his office with a drink in a friendly atmosphere. Rajesh is an experienced guide that owns his company, not a company owner that rarely goes in the mountains, therefore he can discuss the itinerary with you and he gives excellent advises. You’ll notice the difference when you’ll meet him. He then took care of all the permit issues (which was little more complicated than normal because of the kids) and we were able to meet our guide and porter the following day. During this meeting, I remember a sentence that Rajesh said that totally illustrate the way he runs his business : Raj speaking to our guide and porter: « Make them (us) feel that Nepal is the best place to spend there holiday, make there stay here memorable, make them want to come back, again and again. » Our guide Bikash Maharjan was exceptional ! He spoke excellent English, knew the trail by heart (he knew many places not even on the map and also the exact time to reach all the different places, other trekkers also noticed how precisely he knew the way), was always making sure everything was OK for us on the trail and at the tea house, selected the best accommodation option every night… he was excellent ! Our porter Saroj Lamichhane was way more than a porter ! He was funny with the kids, taking care of us (sometimes going in front to ensure a good spot for the night or ordering food in advance for hungry/tired kids…). By the way he his also an excellent Nepaly traditional singer ! Unlike many porters we met during the trek, Saroj was part of the team. Rajesh, we can tell you they made us feel that Nepal is the place to spend holidays, yes our trek was memorable and yes we will come back trekking with you guys ! On top of that « Nepal Trekking Experts » was less expensive than the other company I contacted ! What can I say more ?

    Simon LeveilleCanadaMay 02, 2017
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    Raj and Rabin -two trustworthy brothers

    Trekking with Rabin along Langtang and Helambu was a wonderful experience. We have known him and his brother Rajesh for 15 years. At that time Rajesh was our guide to the Everest Base Camp. It was a unique experience to trek to his family’s farmhouse in the mountains and stay with them for a couple of days. They were so friendly, honest and hospitable. All our expectations in the trek 2016 became true. Everything was well organized. All the paper work and the organization previous to the trek were done fast and without much ado. We even let the company book our hotel in Kathmandu and realized that we got excellent accommodation for modest price. Transport to the start of the trek was well organized and good. Rabin knew so much about the landscape, the mountains, the various tribes along the trek and their cultures. He was always reliable, well humored and trustworthy. Rabin paid attention to what we wanted, to where we wanted to stay and any wishes along our trek. He well looked after our porter, too, which is important for the entire team. When I got sick in a lodge once he looked after me very well. We were never afraid to be cheated by him or his brother. We strongly recommend this company. In November 2017 we are planning our next trek with them. Hans, Hamburg, Germany

    Hans-Juergen GalleGermanyApr 18, 2017